Primer Ten

A woman sits in lotus position

One of the most important parts of well-being is staying in touch with our bodies.  By the end of the day, the stresses of what’s transpired can leave us feeling tight and stressed.  Since being polished is all about taking care of yourself,  we’re going to add onto your evening routine. The evening routine is a series of tasks that you do before you go to bed every night, and this new habit is one of my favorites: Stretch gently for five minutes before bedtime.  You don’t need to do anything impressive or ambitious; just gently and calmly stretch out a bit before you climb underneath the covers.

Can you see how our morning and evening routines are developing?  Here’s our morning routine so far:

Apply chap stick.

Drink a big glass of water.

Exercise for thirty minutes.

Clean your nails thoroughly.

That’s our morning routine as it stands for now.  Now, here’s our evening routine so far:

Apply lotion to your feet and hands at bedtime.

Stretch gently for five minutes at bedtime.

The rest are your very beginning daily deportment tools:

Sit and stand with excellent posture.

Dress in clothes that fit you perfectly.

Wear one piece of pretty jewelry.

Wear a dab or a spritz of perfume.

How are you doing with all of this so far? Pretty soon the daily deportment tools will include social graces and other useful skills, so stick around so you’ll learn those as well.  On to the scoring! Give yourself one point for each task that you’ve completed, then post your score in the comments. I’ll do the same.

1. Apply chap stick.
2. Drink a big glass of water.
3. Sit and stand with excellent posture.
4. Exercise for thirty minutes.
5. Clean your nails thoroughly.
6. Dress in clothes that fit you perfectly.
7. Apply lotion to your feet and hands at bedtime.
8. Wear one piece of pretty jewelry.
9. Wear a dab or a spritz of perfume.
10. Stretch gently for five minutes at bedtime.


Filed under Beauty

3 responses to “Primer Ten

  1. Now that it’s bedtime I can post this–10 points!

  2. Susan Child

    So I intended to comment after I stretched. But not only did I not stretch I forgot to slather my hands and feet. And I’m here to tell you my hands are not as soft this morning.
    I see that adding morning habits is a bit easier for me since I’m a morning person. Post-it to self. Slather and stretch.
    7 points for the day.
    I did get me some Lavender soap for my sent. And a little tiny vile of lavender oil. *:)

    • Oooh! That lavender oil sounds lovely.

      I’m all about consistency over the long haul instead of crossing every item off of the list every day. Just keep truckin’; doing even a little bit every day is way better than having one perfect day and then flopping completely.

      Good luck remembering to slather and stretch!

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